Event Details
Cultivating A Culture of Personal & Professional Growth for Coaches
As coaches, we all have ambitious aspirations for our careers, and we always strive to provide the best to our clients.
If you're on this journey alone, the journey can be a bit lonely and daunting from time to time. As we are providing a safe space for our clients, it is only as essential for us to have room to grow. Having a Mentor coach or Coach supervisor alongside us and cultivating self-care as a coach will help us maintain our sense of self and energy so that we can better show up and serve our clients.
With this in mind, we invite you to join our monthly session as we explore some ways to cultivate a culture of personal & professional growth for coaches by understanding the importance of
1) Having a Mentor Coach & Coach Supervisor beside your journey as a co-traveller
2) Prioritizing self-care as you serve your clients
3) Focusing on building the Coaching Practice
4) Continuously learning by being an active chapter member & following continuous learning programmes
You can expect an engaging and reflective session, and if the space accommodates may have a break-out room discussion with a few Q & A s.
See you in the session!!