Event Details

Experience the Magic of Group Supervision Using a Reflecting Team Approach

Wednesday 26th July 8-9:30pm

Coaching supervision groups are often seen as a cost-effective way to provide coaching supervision but this is only one of the many benefits of group coaching supervision. The benefits of group supervision will be shared along with some of the challenges. Solution focused coaching supervision is a way of supporting coaching supervision clients in a respectful, resource and growth-oriented way. The SF approach helps overcome many of the challenges by co-creating the content and process together with the group. One of the tools used to help coaches present cases in supervision is the SF reflecting team format. The structure will be outlined and then you get to see a demonstration of the approach through participating in the reflecting team. A wonderful opportunity to experience the magic of group supervision!

Key take aways:

-understand the benefits and challenges of group supervision

-be introduced to the solution focused approach to group supervision

-understand the reflecting team format of supervision through an experiential exercise

About Debbie Hogan


Debbie Hogan has advanced degrees in Psychology and Counselling with over 20 year's experience as a psychotherapist, coach, supervisor and trainer. As an executive coach, she works with CEO's, top-level management, and the private sector. She is a Master Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation and a Master Practitioner with the EMCC.

She is an Accredited Coaching Supervisor with EMCC. Debbie trained with Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer, the developers of Solution Focused practice and founded the Academy of Solution Focused Training in 2004 and has been training and certifying coaches across Asia, Europe and the US ever since. Her coach training is accredited as an ACTP with the ICF and she is a member of the PCC Assessor Community.

Debbie served as Vice President and Director of Membership for ICF Singapore Chapter from 2019 โ€“ 2021. She is a contributor to The Art of Solution Focused Therapy, Encounters with Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg, co-editor of Solution Focused Practice in Asia, and co-editor of Solution Focused Practice Around the World. Her current book project, Solution Focused Coaching in Asia will be published in 2024.



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