Event Details

Self as Instrument in Coaching Supervision

In this session we will explore the notion of self as an instrument of coaching and supervision. Amongst the conditions of making this instrument effective is better understanding of who we are. Therefore, we will aim at increasing our reflexivity and will experiment with new ways of being professional. Using, for example, a distinction between Competent and Dialogic selves can help us to identify our own tendencies as a supervisor and help our supervisees to avoid potential pitfalls of building a one-sided image of an expert.

An approach to understanding the nature of self as a multiplicity will be useful in addressing some important paradoxes in our work, for example, what is more important in being a professional supervisor or coach: authenticity or flexibility? The session will provide opportunity to engage with difficult questions of our practice and to try applying new ideas for approaching dilemmas brought to supervision by the coaches.

Key take aways:

  • Greater understanding of the nature of self
  • Increased reflexivity in using self as an instrument in coaching supervision
  • Ideas to apply in supervision to tackle common coaching dilemmas

About Professor Tatiana Bachkirova


Tatiana Bachkirova is Professor of Coaching Psychology and Co-Director of the International Centre for Coaching and Mentoring Studies at Oxford Brookes University. As an academic, she supervises PhD students and leads various research projects. She also runs an internationally renowned programme of Advanced Study in Coaching Supervision. As a practitioner, she supervises coaches individually and in groups. Tatiana is a recognised author, international speaker and holder of many achievement awards. She published more than 70 research articles, book chapters and books, including The Complete Handbook of Coaching (2010, 2014 and 2018), Developmental Coaching: Working with the Self (2011), The SAGE Handbook of Coaching (2017) and Coaching and Mentoring Supervision: Theory and Practice (2011 and 2021).


  • Tatiana Bachkirova

    Tatiana Bachkirova


    Tatiana Bachkirova is Professor of Coaching Psychology and Co-Director of the International Centre for Coaching and Mentoring Studies at Oxford Brookes University. As an academic, she supervises PhD students and leads various research projects. She also runs an internationally renowned programme of Advanced Study in Coaching Supervision. As a practitioner, she supervises coaches individually and in groups. Tatiana is a recognised author, international speaker and holder of many achievement awards. She published more than 70 research articles, book chapters and books, including The Complete Handbook of Coaching (2010, 2014 and 2018), Developmental Coaching: Working with the Self (2011), The SAGE Handbook of Coaching (2017) and Coaching and Mentoring Supervision: Theory and Practice (2011 and 2021).

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