Event Summary
Welcome to Day 4 of ICW 2024. ICF Singapore invites you to join an exciting lineup of in-person and online events taking place from May 13 to May 17.
Please register for this session below. This session is approved for 0.75 CCE Units in Core Competencies and 0.75 CCE Units in Resource Development.
This session with Elfarina Zaid is about In a world where inter-connectedness and inter-dependence are increasingly becoming the norm, working in silos no longer works. Leaders, along with coaches, need to navigate the landscape that is shifting from 'complicated - complex - chaos'. Even in coaching an individual, our awareness and acknowledgement of the system is needed, especially in Asia, where navigating tension and complex human dynamics / relationships is a common topic for coaching.
One of the most complex systems to navigate is that of different relationship systems that exist in the human and team dynamics of your organization and even in life.
In this session, you will get the highlights on:
- WHY: Systems approach is an emerging trend in coaching individuals, teams and organizations
- HOW: To Innovate and Elevate your coaching approach to see from the lens of a Systems Approach
- WHAT: Relationship Systems Intelligenceยฎ is and how it paves the way to coaching and Systems Inspired Leadership
Key Takeaways
An interactive and experiential session, participants will:
** Explore 2 out of 5 Relationship Systems Intelligenceยฎ (RSI) principles (by CRR Global) critical in systems approach to leadership and building effective and resilient teams
** Reflect and share how these RSI Principles address working with SILOs, building talent and teams and improve collaboration and on a personal level, how it affects our interactions in our world
** Experience a systems coaching tool that enhances relationships
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