Event Details

Join us for this in-person session with Dr. Habeebul Rahman, Senior Consultant Psychiatrist at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, who will share about Transactional Analysis (TA) and how it can be applied to personal growth and change. Expect an interactive session as Dr Rahman will invite audience members to share their real-life experiences, which may benefit from this theory of TA.

Audience can expect to:-

  • Review of concepts in Transactional Analysis
  • Gain an introduction to Games according to Eric Berne, indicating patterns of transactions we observe in many common situations.
  • Apply the Archetypogram, baed on TA theory, to personal resilience in crises.

This session has been approved for 0.25 CCE units in Core Competencies and 1.25 in Resource Development.


6:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Welcome & Registration (Level 2)
7:00 PM - 7:40 PM
Applying Transactional Analysis to Personal Growth
Introduction to Transactional Analysis with reference to case studies. Followed by introduction to ArchetypogramThis is an interactive session, and we encourage you to bring your full curios...
Introduction to Transactional Analysis with reference to case studies. Followed by introduction to Archetypogram
This is an interactive session, and we encourage you to bring your full curiosity to make this a rich learning experience for everybody.
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7:40 PM - 8:20 PM
Group Work & Discussion
Group Discussion and conversation around cementing the learnings. Followed by Q&A
8:20 PM - 8:30 PM
Wrap up & End of Event


  • Dr. Habeebul Rahman (Senior Consultant Psychiatrist at Tan Tock Seng Hospital)

    Dr. Habeebul Rahman

    Senior Consultant Psychiatrist at Tan Tock Seng Hospital


    A/Prof Habeebul Rahman's area of expertise is in psychotherapy, having trained in psychodynamic psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, transactional analysis, and mentalisation-based therapy. He sits on various advisory committees in psychiatry. He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate levels, including YLL School of Medicine, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, National Psychiatry Residency Training program, and the Singapore Medical Association Centre for Medical Ethics and Professionalism.

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2 Finlayson Green, Level 2, Singapore 049247

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