Event Details
Professional coaching is constantly evolving in methodology, application and research. As a Coach, we are on a journey of continuously evolving and growing our skills sets and experience.
Recognizing the need for coaches to integrate new learnings, Coaching Resources Community of Practice was created to serve this need. We get together once a month to deepen our knowledge; for ongoing collaborative learning, sharing coaching related content, knowledge of newly evolved areas of coaching, tools, methodologies, new book review, new tools and technology and learning as a way to provide support for those practicing as well as those coaches who are navigating their way in the world of coaching.
This group is open to all coaches, you may be new, seasoned, or aspiring to be a coach, you are either credentialled or on the path to credentialing. We get together once a month to deepen our knowledge and learning as a way to provide support for those who are navigating their way in the world of coaching.
Focus of this CP:
- What kind of coach do I want to be?
- What it takes to get your Credentials (for ACC/PCC/MCC)
- How to grow beyond ACC/PCC/MCC
- How to know and define my Coaching Niche.
- Various type of Coaching in the Industry โ and what it means to be an Executive Coach, or Life Coach, Health Coach.
- Individual vs. Team Coaching vs Group Coaching
- Network Places, Must Read Books / Articles
- Coaching offering and Pricing in the industry
- How can I get Coaching hours from Pro-Bono vs Paid vs. volunteer coaching
Coaching Resources Community of Practice sessions are hosted by Jass Malaney