Event Details

We have our esteemed Speaker Cindy Muthukarapan with us at the upcoming March Monthly Members Event who will be sharing us on the topic of "Evoking Awareness: Masterful Partnering with Clients".

Cindy Muthukarapan Master Certified Coach (MCC), International Coach Federation

Cindy Muthukarapan is an internationally recognized and experienced Executive and Leadership Coach, Trainer, Coach Assessor/Moderator, Mentor Coach and Program Director. She is a Member of the ICF since 2006 and credentialed by the International Coach Federation as a Master Certified Coach since 2014. She is a Past President of ICF South Africa Chapter and currently a Doc. Candidate in Applied Leadership and Coaching.

Having been involved in the Personal, Social and Professional development field for over thirty years, she brings to the table a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience in the areas of personal mastery, emotional intelligence, change management and leadership development.

Take a deeper dive into coaching with depth- evoking transformation, learning and the motivation to achieve your goals. The essence of Evoking Awareness lies in how we respond to what's emerging in the clients in a way that honours, respects, and partners with the totality of the client.

Learning Outcomes and (3) Key takeaways from the session

- Increase your confidence and curiosity to learn more about the client

- Enhance Masterful Listening - responding to the whole person and what's agreed upon in the session (who and what)

- Deepen your noticing/exploring emotions, energy, silence, tone, and the unspoken

See you all soon.


  • Cindy Muthukarapan (Executive and Leadership Coach)

    Cindy Muthukarapan

    Executive and Leadership Coach

    Cindy Muthukarapan Master Certified Coach (MCC), International Coach Federation
    EMCC Member- in Application for Master Practitioner (MP)
    Executive Coach, Assessor, Trainer, Coach Mentor and Program Director.
    ICF South Africa Chapter President: 2017/2018.
    Director on the ICF South Africa Board: 6 years
    Coaching Experience: 20+ years
    Mentor Coach Experience:15 years.
    Doctorate in Applied Leadership and Coaching Candidate: Monarch University, Switzerland.

    Cindy Muthukarapan is an internationally recognized and experienced Executive and Leadership Coach, Trainer, Coach Assessor/Moderator, Mentor Coach and Program Director. She is a Member of the ICF since 2006 and credentialed by the International Coach Federation as a Master Certified Coach since 2014.
    Having been involved in the Personal, Social and Professional development field for over thirty years, she brings to the table a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience in the areas of personal mastery, emotional intelligence, change management and professional and leadership development.
    She is also Program Director and facilitates/trains Coach Mastery classes internationally. She has over 20 years of coaching experience and over 6000 client- coaching/mentoring hours. Her client list includes Executive and Leadership coaching, public and private sector, Small business, Individual Clients and leadership coaching in Government. As President of the ICF South Africa Chapter, she played a key role in Chapter transformation, growth and development of Coaches – leading to the South Africa Chapter awarded ‘High-Performance Chapter” at a Global ICF Conference 2018, Vancouver.

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