Event Details

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024

All ICF Singapore members are cordially invited to the AGM 2024.

Our AGM 2024 will be held virtually via Zoom at 7:30 pm on Monday 15 Jan 2024.


  • Presidents' Report
  • Presentation of Audited Financial Statements and recommendations from Honorary Auditors
  • Results of 2024 Ballot for ICF Singapore Board of Directors
  • Vote on proposed changes to the ICF Singapore Chapter Constitution
  • Vote on approval of the Bylaws of ICF Singapore Chapter
  • Close of AGM

Explanation for Proposed Changes to the Constitution

Our Chapter's Constitution was first written soon after our founding in 2002 and last reviewed in 2017 and 2021 to reflect changes in the organizational structure of the Executive Board. Since then, our chapter has evolved and in order to mirror this progress, our Board is proposing some changes in our Constitution and would like members' approval for these changes.

The proposed changes in the Constitution are mainly designed to achieve the following:

  1. Some rewording of the Constitution to provide better clarity and understanding
  2. An update on the Board composition, specifically removing the Vice President role
  3. Updates on some of the clauses/language based on a legal review of the Constitution and for alignment with the Bylaws template provided by ICF Global

The current Constitution and the proposed changes to the Constitution are available here. Please read through carefully

The proposed changes have been approved by the Board and ICF Global and are being presented to members for their approval in the AGM. This requires a minimum of 30 members in attendance and voting on the proposed changes. Thereafter, we need to submit our proposed changes to the Registry of Societies (ROS) for approval before it comes into force.

Explanation for approval of Bylaws of ICF Singapore Chapter

ICF Global has provided a template for the Chapter Bylaws which sets forth the provisions that are required by ICF Professional Coaches to assure consistency and compliance by the chapters with the terms and conditions of their Chapter Agreement issued by ICF Professional Coaches as a requirement of Chapter status. Based on this template the Bylaws for ICF Singapore Chapter have been drawn up. The Bylaws would come into force once it is approved by the members at the AGM. The draft Bylaws can be accessed here.

Do join us in the AGM and let us collectively put to vote the necessary changes to our Constitution and to approve the Bylaws to streamline our governance and growth.

If you have any questions, please reach out to president@icfsingapore.org or Secretariat@icfsingapore.org

We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.


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