Event Details

This is a hybrid event happening online and in person! Come connect with the ICF community in person by registering here. If you are unable to make it in person and wishes to join us online. Register below.

Parents could be equipped to coach their children, by first being coached and subsequently learning the principles of coaching that would be relevant to their family and life cycle stages.

Key takeaways:

โ€ข Appreciate the requirements for parents to be coached

โ€ข Understand the impetus for parents to be equipped to coach their family

โ€ข Apply tools and techniques to enable parents to coach their family


10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Coaching in the Household - Friend or Foe?
Parents could be equipped to coach their children, by first being coached and subsequently learning the principles of coaching that would be relevant to their family and life cycle stages.Ke...
Parents could be equipped to coach their children, by first being coached and subsequently learning the principles of coaching that would be relevant to their family and life cycle stages.

Key takeaways:
• Appreciate the requirements for parents to be coached
• Understand the impetus for parents to be equipped to coach their family
• Apply tools and techniques to enable parents to coach their family
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12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Post-event Learning


  • Bryan Tan (Centre for Fathering Limited)

    Bryan Tan

    Centre for Fathering Limited


    Bryan is a passionate Executive and Family Life Coach, and Chief Advocate for the national Dads for Life movement in Singapore. He is happily married to Adriana, and is a full-time father to their four children, whilst serving also as the Chief Executive Officer at Centre for Fathering Limited, Singapore. He has more than 27 years of leadership, management, coaching and training development experience in the Armed Forces, Public Service, Private and Non-profit sectors. He consults and coaches companies and individuals on leadership, strategy, training development, family life and human performance improvement. He volunteers on the Boards of organizations that do good, and serves on advisory councils of a few Government Ministries and Statutory Boards.

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  • Edwin Choy (Centre for Fathering Limited)

    Edwin Choy

    Centre for Fathering Limited


    Edwin Choy, co-founder Centre for Fathering in 2000.
    He is a certified ICF coach at the PCC level. Edwin has spoken in many conferences and numerous radios on fathering and parenting issues for the last 20 years. He has also developed a training to help parents learn how to coach their children in the last 8 years called "Parent as Coach" which has had overwhelming positive feedback.

    Edwin also trains Solution Focused Coaches in their ICF certification with the Academy of Solution Focused Training owned by Debbie Hogan. He has been training middle managers in schools and education sectors for the last 10 years.

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  • Sharon Kon (C-3 Empowerment Resources Pte Ltd)

    Sharon Kon

    C-3 Empowerment Resources Pte Ltd


    A Mum and a Grandmother.
    Sharon has been a personal empowerment strategist since 1998. She provides consulting and coaching services to individuals and companies on personal development and self-empowerment.

    Before that, Sharon had been in a vast number of executive positions at senior management levels for more than 20 years in various banks in Singapore and a conglomerate in Indonesia. Among her coverage and functions were being COO, CFO, CIO, Strategic Planning, Organization and Methods, Information Technology, Human Resources, Audit, among others.

    She left the corporate career in 1997 and proceeded on her own self development by later embarking on a Counselling degree to support her passion in personal empowerment.

    The qualifications and experience contributing to a broad base of coverage comes also from being a Chartered Accountant, Master in Social Science (Counselling), certified Reiss Profile Master and a Global Training Partner of IDS Publishing Corporation, the publisher of Reiss Motivation Profile.

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Standard Price S$15