Event Details

The making of a great team coach

Discover insights from Ernie Turner, a distinguished authority in Shared Leadership Team Coaching, as he shares the essential attributes that every team coach must have.

Ernie certified his first group of team coaches in 1996 and since then has groomed hundreds of shared leadership team coaches. He is also the author of Gentle Interventions For Team Coaching - Little things that make a big difference and co-author of Shared Leadership Disciplines - A better way to lead and coach.

The takeaways for this session are:

1) Learning the key challenges when coaching teams

2) Understanding the attributes of an effective team coach

3) Answering any questions that. you may have on team coaching

Join us at our next Team Coaching Community of Practice on 21 Aug 2023, 8:00 - 9:30 pm.

Come with your curiosity and questions for another rewarding learning session.


  • Ernie Turner (President at LIM)

    Ernie Turner

    President at LIM


    President of LIM, Leadership in Motion, a global consulting firm focused on development – people and business – simultaneously using LIM’s 10 ARL™ (Action Reflection Learning) principles.

    Ernie has been building LIM as an international consulting firm for MNCs and NGOs around the world providing a number of services, including merger integration, leadership development, team development, sustainable development, culture change, organizational alignment, human resource
    development, team coach development and Peer Learning.

    Ernie has coached many executives from all kinds of industries and over 150 leadership teams. Ernie has an ACC ICF certificate. He has written numerous articles on leadership, teamwork, Peer Learning and contributed to several books including Earning While Learning in Global Leadership, recounting Volvo’s 10-year experience using Action Reflection Learning principles and practices. He
    led a cross-functional team of AstraZeneca professionals in writing The Little Book on Teamwork. Ernie and Isabel Rimanoczy, one of his partners, coauthored Action Reflection Learning: Solving Real Business Problems by Connecting Learning with Earning. He has written Gentle Interventions for Team Coaching: Little things that make a BIG difference to accompany LIM’s Team Coach Certification Program. He is a frequent conference speaker.

    Disciplines: A new way to lead and coach teams.

    Ernie’s passions include his work and piano, tennis, scuba and golf.

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