
Welcome to ICF! We look forward to your engagement in this vibrant community of coaches.

What does the ICF do?

The ICF works to support its members and represent their interests as professional coaches. It is the largest non-profit professional association worldwide for personal and business coaches. Membership currently stands at more than 41,500 from over 70 countries, with over 145 chapters. The ICF aims to build, support, and preserve the integrity of coaching around the globe. This is achieved through:

  • Educating and promoting the coaching profession. The coach referral service and PR plan are part of this process
  • Fostering the community aspect among members through the annual conference, regular communications, and local chapters
  • Being actively involved in researching and developing programs in the legal, regulatory and credentialing areas.

What does ICF Singapore Chapter do?

The ICF Singapore chapter comprises over 900 professional coaches and people interested in coaching. The vision of the ICF Singapore chapter is "Engaging Our Members For Coaching Excellence."

Specific services of the Singapore Chapter include:

  • Monthly Chapter meetings - These networking and professional exchange sessions include a monthly speaker, facilitator, panel or other knowledge-sharing activity.
  • Peer Coaching – These are open to practising professional coaches. Each session involves one coach presenting a real coaching case study they are working with. The peer coaches follow a specially designed coaching process to help the case owner gain new insights into the case.
  • ICF Singapore Website: Our website at provides up-to-date information on ICF Singapore, its coaches and coaching services. It includes a 'Find a Coach' service, Event Listing and Resource Area. Please visit our website for requirements and applications to include your free listing.

Membership Benefits:

  • Increased credibility as a professional coach: you will belong to an independent association and demonstrate your willingness to be accountable for ethical, professional behaviour.
  • The ability to gain ICF credentials: you can improve your worth, credibility, and profile as a coach at varying levels of professional mastery that differentiate you from other coaches
  • Access to worldwide chapters and a huge network of coaches
  • Monthly Chapter Meetings in Singapore where you can learn how to improve your coaching skills and business through continuing professional development and networking with other leading coaches
  • Access to our growing professional development library as well as a wealth of resources in the "For Our Member Coaches" area of the ICF website
  • Leadership and volunteer opportunities which strengthen your ties to the local coaching community
  • Electronic newsletter, The Coaching World Newsletter, keeps you up to date on trends and what's happening within the coaching industry globally as well as information on how to improve your coaching skills and business
  • Access to the Coach Referral Service
  • Access to personal bridge line rental (as a member, you receive two free hours of a US-based bridge rental per month)
  • Access to a Marketing Basics teleclass (this is also recorded, so you can listen 24/7) - details can be found on the ICF website.
  • Receive an ICF Membership Certificate - you can print out a great membership certificate from the website.
  • Discounted member rates to annual Conferences held by the ICF worldwide
  • Bi-weekly Singapore Chapter newsletter
  • Member discounts to specific training and continuing education programs

What are the requirements to be an ICF Member?

To be a member of the International Coaching Federation, you must meet at least one of the following requirements:

  • Hold a current ICF Credential (ACC, PCC, or MCC);
  • Have completed at least 60 hours of coach-specific training that meets ICF standards. (see what qualifies as coach-specific training below); or
  • Be enrolled in 60 hours of coach-specific training in a program with either the ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP) or Approved Coach-Specific Training Hours (ACSTH) distinction. (For new members only.)

How much is the annual membership fee?

The Annual membership fee is $245 USD. This equals only $20.42 per month! The ICF membership is on an annual billing schedule; all memberships expire on March 31 of the following year. Membership fees for new ICF memberships will be pro-rated based on the month you join the ICF. Membership fees for January, February, and March include the pro-rated amount for the current membership year plus next year's membership fee.

What kind of events do you offer?

Monthly meetings, Peer coaching, Speed Coaching, Conferences, Gratitude awards, Dinners and Gala events among others. Topics vary from instilling coaching culture, the art of listening, somatic experience, neuroscience and leadership, learning organisations, leader as a host, and much more. Check out our upcoming events!

How do I get news and updates about ICF Singapore?

Please sign up for our newsletter! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

How can I contribute to my coaching work?

You are welcome to join our Coaching for Community Programs, where you can support ICF, the coaching industry, and Singapore non-profits.

What are CCE Unit Certificates?

Completion of an ongoing training activity. For example, attending an ICF Singapore Monthly Meeting or Peer Coaching Meeting.

To maintain ICF credentials, members require the submission of certificates to evidence that ongoing training is being gained. One unit is equivalent to one hour of training under one or more of the categories of ICF Core Competencies, Personal Development of the Coach, Business Development and Marketing, and Other Skills and Tools Directly Applicable to Coaching.

Generally, all Monthly Meetings, all Peer Coaching Meetings, and all ICF Special Events allow you to gain CCE Units.

I am a trained Coach. How do I upload my Coach Profile?

Login to our website with your email address and ICF membership number as your password! If you have any trouble, please email